Thursday 26 April 2012


Just before finishing for easter we each picked a word to base our 5 week project on.
I chose Voyage. I'm not really sure why really, But I love nautical themes and thought maybe I'd get good inspiration from it. Getting down to the work is actually much harder than you'd think, thinking of original ideas. I thought of ideas such as ships, boats, navigation and historical and mythical pirates.
Then i settled on the idea of message in a bottle. and now im trying to do this through ceramics.

I've just started my new journey in Ceramics and loving it all so far anyway.
Just before easter a past student and now famous ceramicst, Christy Keeney came to show us a few deminstrations or his famous ceramic heads.
This is an example of what he does. it was really interesting to see how Christy has made a propercareer from his work.