Tuesday 13 December 2011


This is kind of a 3d piece of my 2d sketch work... filling in the spaces really...
Its like a prototype of a large more exaggerated version i want to make.

A simple piece that means a lot.

The piece which is really simple but i think sums up what I'm aiming at, at the moment anyway.


I started doing big drawing like this on the wall. It was basically an exercise i think just to get of inspiration!
I think it worked. I'm kind of looking at like shapes now. Like folds I guess.
Not really sure where its going but i did have fun doing it.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

model of the folds

This was my first kind of working model of the folds1..

This needs a bit of work, but i think it kinda of showed want i wanted it to show.
This is me doing a small dummy of the lobster body fold.

Real Life Lobster

This is the real thing, where my inspiration came from.
First it started with mechanical movement of the claw but it slowly moved on to the movement of the body.( it was much more interesting)

I was also inspired by the artist Una Burke after my tutor showed me her work.
she deals with the human body and folds.... which really is kind of what i wanna do!

I should really start looking at other back bone related things. maybe snail!

more paper work

These pieces were done when i was syill in my paper making phase. I've kinda moved on from there but it was still pretty fun.
I did this cause it kinda reminded me of the folding of the lobster body, just a different kind of thing though.

Mechanical movement

I made this claw out of wire. In my opinion it didnt really work out but it was kinda fun to do, Im making it too literal.
Maybe also it wasnt the best material, a bit stiff!

Movement of paper.

It took awhile but i finally made it.
I wouldn't describe it as movement of paper really, it's probably more the movement of folded paper!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Paper Art

Matt Shlian does amazing paper sculptures that move...

Movement of the Claw

My project basically is working with the movement and motion of plants. The reactions of them. My process of thinking has slowly moved towards the mechanical movement of a lobster/crab claw.

Through research I realised the body of the lobster is actually so much more interesting...but now after having my lobster shell for a few weeks its dried out and the body doesnt have that movement effect it used have.

But im keeping moving on... I started playing with origami. Its so easy to just pend hours folding which is why now im hoping some way i can connect with both. I'm not really sure how but ill see...

Heres a link to the origami i made which took forever to do!!