Friday 18 May 2012


Although i didnt use this process i photographed Kieran putting on decales for reference. Its quite an easy process and gives really nice results!


I needed to make a few prototypes of my work. I made lots and lots of paper boats but i said i must go a bit futher in the making. heres a wire boat i made and covered it with tissue paper.. at the moment its a tad smushed because i didnt use tough enough wire.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

heres my desk with all the prototypes and and ideas i have in mind

morse code

I had the idea of doing a morse code message boat. it ties in with the whole idea of voyage, away at sea, stranded.

i researched morse code and the main signals used. SOS being the obvious one. and CQD being another age old one.
This is the idea of a world map on a paper boat. the voyage taken on the sea.

my head

For my work with kristy keeney i decided to make a swan head.. to be honest im not really sure why a swan.. i guess i thought it would look pretty.. but it seems to have turned out slightly looking like one.. not too sure though.

paper boat designs

here are my paper clay boats in progress. Ive done a few different designs on them to reprenent different situations.

These are quotes from letters of people who were away at sea. really it shows the message on the boat. tying in with the idea of message in a bottle, message on a boat.

I also had another idea of putting the boat on a sea of paper clay. this is a bit smaller then i wanted because i ran out of paper clay and it takes so long to make. but i think this kinda of shows wanted i wanted to.